By Emily MacLeod and Amelie Delesalle
AHE Student Reporter-Photographers
This year Revelstoke is working hard to bring one refugee family here for one year without having to pay for rent, groceries, transportation etc. In order for that to happen we have to raise $60,000 dollars.
The Grade 6/7 class at Arrow Heights Elementary School is going to help this cause by having bake sales and other fundraising activities in order to help the family coming here to live. We are hoping that the refugees can move here in May or late April. Revelstoke is going to give this family a second chance that will be better than the conditions that they came from.
We decided to interview some Grade 6/7 students from Ms. Johnson’s class at Arrow Heights Elementary School, and here are their opinions:
Francesco Morrone said that he thinks it’s a good idea for a refugee family to move to Revelstoke because it is a lot better than conditions that he has heard about in Syria. He thinks that Revelstoke will accept the family because we are a caring community and good people.
Sam Brown said that the family will hopefully like Revelstoke, but it may take a while to get settled. She also thinks that the family will need housing supplies, clothing, and teacher support.
Jade Davies said that it’s a good idea to move here because it’s not their fault that terrorists are taking over Syria. Jade said that people should accept them, but she also feels that some people won’t. She also said that some challenges they might face are driving in the snow and learning English.
We hope they will have a successful time in Revelstoke and that they will enjoy it!