Two cultural news briefs

The Community Choir has been very busy rehearsing for its annual Christmas Concert. That heartwarming family event is to be held at the United Church over two nights, December 13 and 14, starting at 7 pm. Tickets for are $10 and are available at the Community Centre. Please click on the photo to see a larger image. David F. Rooney photo
The Community Choir has been very busy rehearsing for its annual Christmas Concert. That heartwarming family event is to be held at the United Church over two nights, December 13 and 14, starting at 7 pm. Tickets for are $10 and are available at the Community Centre. Please click on the photo to see a larger image. David F. Rooney photo

Please click here to view the poster for this event.
Please activate the You Tube Player below to watch the choir rehearse their rendition of Greg Gilpin’s carol, Can You Hear The Angels?


This Friday, December 4, will mark the beginning of another seasonal event — the Visual Arts Centre’s always amazing Christmas Shop.
The Christmas Shop opens for business this Friday with a reception from 6-9 pm. This event offers all Revelstokians an opportunity to purchase truly affordable original works by local artists.
The Christmas Shop will be open Monday through Saturday from noon until 4 pm until December 20 but don’t leave it too late as these artworks get snapped up fast.
Please click here to view the poster for this event.