The Rotary Club staged an Octoberfest party on Second Street West that enticed a crowd of people of all ages to get outside and enjoy the terrific autumn weather on Saturday, October 3. Here are a few photos from the event that I hope you’ll like: Revelstoke Rotary Club’s first Octoberfest party was, by all accounts, a great time for all. Held on Second Street West, it attracted a healthy crowd of young and old eager to enjoy a great autumn afternoon. Please click on the image to see a larger version of it. David F. Rooney photo The Maritime Kitchen Party — Shannon Sternloff, Trevor Wallach and Steve Smith — provided the music for the party, which everyone hopes will be repeated in 2016. David F. Rooney photo The band’s infectious music set Revelstokians of all ages dancing. David F. Rooney photo And what’s Octoberfest without beer? It wouldn’t be authentic, that’s what! These, ah, dapper dudes may lack lederhosen but they were certainly upholding the spirit of the event. David F. Rooney photo Linda Chell was the mistress of the treats like these cookies and, in the warming hand, soft, fresh pretzels. David F. Rooney photo If you craved German cuisine, there was a lot on offer from Damian Watson (right) and the rest of the staff from the Powder Springs Inn’s kitchen. David F. Rooney photo Steve Smith (right) takes a moment to chat with Rob Lamont during a break in the music. David F. Rooney photo