Hey kids! Build some real fun with the Summer Reading Club

The Summer Reading Club (SRC) at the Revelstoke Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library is set to begin on July 8 and Community Librarian Kendra Runnalls is encouraging all children to enrol in the program today.
“Kids can become a member of the SRC by picking up a Read-To-Me Record and signing up for the club’s weekly programs,” she said in a statement. “Show us your completed record and get a brand-new book. Enter the book draw every time you visit the library.”
All of the programs listed below are free:
Wednesday, July 8 — 3:30-4:30   Build a story… using stones with RSS teacher Lissa Cancilla-Sykes. For school-aged children only.
Wednesday, July 15 — 3:30-4:30  Build a dance routine with dance & fitness instructor Bex Parkin.  For all ages.
Friday, July 17 — 10:30-11:30  Build a dam based on the Revelstoke and Mica dams with structural engineer Vanessa Morrow. For children aged 5 to 7 only.
Wednesday, July 22 — 4:30-5:15 Build your imagination by watching Magician Leif David’s Build It Magic Show! For all ages.
Wednesday, July 29 — 3:30-4:30 Build some hand-made pottery with local potter Cat Mather.  For school-aged children only.
Wednesday, August 5 — 3:30-4:30 build a rube goldberg machine or marble run with Gabriella Drabocz. For all ages.
Wednesday, August 12 — 3:30-4:30 Build a science experiment with RSS science teacher Kai Boggild. For school-aged children only.
For more information please call the library at 250-837-5095 or send an e-mail to krunnalls@orl.bc.ca.