Interior Health is collaborating with the BC Centre for Disease Control, other provincial health authorities, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Public Health Agency of Canada and provincial partners to investigate an outbreak of salmonellosis in Alberta, BC and Saskatchewan. The cases of human illness are related to contact with live baby poultry originating from a hatchery in Alberta.
A statement released Wednesday, May 27, said that to date there have been 13 cases of salmonella infection and two hospitalizations in BC connected to this outbreak. Several of these cases occurred in the Interior Health region. IH did not say precisely where those infections and hospitalizations occurred.
“Anyone who has contact with live poultry and/or has eggs from hobby farms, non-commercial organic farms and backyard flocks are advised to take precautions to protect their health,” the statement said. “Members of the public who have acquired poultry from a hatchery in Alberta, and are concerned they may be affected by this outbreak, should contact their supplier or their local Health Protection Unit for more information.”
Please click on one of the following links for more information:
BCCDC – Outbreak update
Public Health Agency of Canada – Public Health Notice
Salmonella Enteritidis Facts for Small Flock Owners