A few news briefs you may find interesting

Earth Day is coming up on April 22 and if you’d like to get your hands dirty by helping out our local environment come on down to Kovach Park where the North Columbia Environmental Society is organizing a tree planting that afternoon.
The NCES has the saplings, the shovels and gloves — all they need are willing pairs of hands for this hour-long event that starts at 3 pm.
They’ll also spring for a snack.


This Saturday will be the last day of the Winter Market and, as happened last year, it will be held downtown at Grizzly Plaza from noon until 5 pm.
The summer market will begin on Saturday, May 2, at 8 am.


 Christina Amelio has been voted into the regional Top 10 of the CBC’s Searchlight contest for the best new singer-songwriter in Canada.

Voting ends on April 27 and she is asking all of her friends an fans to continue voting for her at



Jeff Faragher (left) and Alex Nichol, who together comprise the musical group called The Cellar Notes Duo that is trying to establish concerts in heritage churches will perform at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, located at 622 Second Street West on Thursday, April 30, at 7:30 pm. Photo courtesy of the Cellar Notes Duo
Jeff Faragher (left) and Alex Nichol, who together comprise the musical group called The Cellar Notes Duo that is trying to establish concerts in heritage churches will perform at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, located at 622 Second Street West on Thursday, April 30, at 7:30 pm. Photo courtesy of the Cellar Notes Duo

The Cellar Notes Duo, a small musical group trying to establish concerts in heritage churches will perform at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, located at 622 Second Street West on Thursday, April 30, at 7:30 pm.
The duo consists of Jeff Faragher on cello and Alex Nichol on double bass and will present a musical offering spanning four centuries and six cultures.
Faragher holds a Master Degree in Music Performance from McGill University and has pursued supplementary studies between academic years with such internationally renowned cellists as Janos Starker, Aldo Parisot and YoYo Ma. Rather than a career in a major orchestra, Jeff chose a life in the Kootenays where he is free to explore the full range of musical possibilities. These include the position of music director of the Symphony of the Kootenays.
Alex Nichol spent 25 years as an orchestral musician with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, Halle Orchestra of Manchester, and the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra before moving to the Okanagan where he and his wife established Nichol Vineyard Winery. With retirement in 2006, his focus has returned to music-making.
Tickets for this event are $20. Please call 250-837-9337 to reserve a seat for this unique event.


There are also some developments at the Chamber of Commerce that may be of interest to readers who are affiliated with that organization:

The Chamber is sponsoring a webinar led by Roger Brooks on May 1 that will teach local business people how to creating a social media strategy.
This two-hour workshop starts at 11:30 am and will teach participants how to capitalize on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest as well as utilizing tools to manage your social media plan.
The workshop will be held in the Business Information Centre Board Room at 301 Victoria Road West. The fee is $20/person and lunch is included. Space is limited so please click here to RSVP.
And, if you are a lady, you can cap off your day with Ladies Night at Skookum.
This après work week event starts at 7 pm on Friday, May 1, and will feature food, refreshments, fun prizes galore.  Donations will be accepted and awarded to a local women’s charity.
The Chamber Board of Directors has approved a new Downtown Committee.  Nicole Cherlet, owner of Big Mountain Kitchen & Linen will chair the committee on behalf of the board. Ideas and initiatives from this committee will be shared with the Chamber’s Retail, Restaurant and Real Estate group as well as, when appropriate, the City’s Enhancement Committee.
The Chamber is currently accepting applications by members with businesses in the downtown core to serve on this committee.  Please submit your interest to executive@revelstokechamber.com prior to May 15.


Bear Aware is printing new rack cards, both a general rack card containing information about reducing conflict with bears at home, and a special camping rack card designed to help reduce conflict with bears while camping.
“Bresco Industries has donated a substantial amount to help with the general rack cards, and has also agreed to support the Bear Aware program into the future. Bresco and Bear Aware have always had a strong connection, after all Bresco deals with garbage collection and we deal with bears into garbage, it s a naturally good alliance,” Bear Aware Coordinator Sue Davies said in a statement released Monday night, April 20.
“Some of the local campgrounds including Williamson Lake Campground, Lamplighter Campground, and West Kootenay Parks, have all generously donated funds to help produce the camping rack cards. Look for the fresh new rack cards coming soon to a brochure rack near you!”
She said Bear Aware would like to thank CBT, CP Rail, Bresco Industries, Revelstoke Credit Union, Revelstoke Community Foundation, BC Gaming, and Parks Canada for their support of the Bear Aware Program.
For more information about reducing conflict with bears please see www.revelstokebearaware.org. To receive and share valuable local information about bear activity in Revelstoke, like Bear Aware on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/revelstokebearaware. To report bear sightings or conflicts with bears please call the 24-hour hotline at 1-877-952 RAPP (7277).
