RSS students have traditionally shown their quality with excellent provincial assessment scores, but this year’s results are, says Vice-Principal Andy Pfeiffer, “out of this world.”
“Our recent provincial exam marks from the first week in February were recently released,” he told The Current on Wednesday, March 11. “Statistically, Revelstoke Secondary students always do well on these provincial assessments in English 10, Science 10, Math 10, Social Studies 11, and English 12.
The latest results, though, are some of the best results, as a school, that I’ve ever seen in my 24 years of teaching here. Often our school-wide average on these exams are one, or two, or maybe three percent better than the rest of the province. In this exam session, though, across the board, our exam marks were, when compared to the provincial average, out of this world.”
Pfeiffer said the results below are the result of the collective efforts of students, teachers, and support staff and their commitment to education. “Students feel connected to one another and to the staff — as a result, RSS continues to be a place where students can thrive,” he said.
“It’s hard work to encourage (and sometimes even ‘push’) teenagers to do school work but the staff at RSS continue to show that they’re committed to providing the very best education for Revelstoke’s youth.”
Here are the RSS percentages above the provincial average:
Foundations of Math 10 – 7.3%;
Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10 – 10.1%;
Social Studies 11 – 4.6%;
English 12 – 6.4%;
Communications 12 – 9.2%:
Science 10 – 6.8%; and
English 10 – 6.8%.