Ouch! video was thought-provoking 2015-02-11A dozen people attended a Tuesday night, February 10, screening of the video, Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts!, at Begbie View Elementary School. The very interesting video focused on ways people can disarm people who make bigoted remarks in everyday social situations. Most of us have encountered those situations and they can be very uncomfortable. The video — and the book upon which it is based — is available for viewing by calling Tanya Egli at Okanagan College, 250-837-4235 ext.6508. The video was screened as part of a three-day series of workshops on diversity. Please click on the link below this image to find out more about the workshop series. A Wednesday afternoon about Diversity in the Workplace is being reprised on Thursday morning at the college beginning at 9 am. David F. Rooney cell phone photoPlease click here to learn more about the diversity workshops.