Retired businessman and, for 15 years, City Councillor Tony Scarcella has decided to openly support Mark McKee’s bid to become Revelstoke’s next mayor. Here is Tony’s statement regarding his decision: “I have known Mark and worked on City Council with him for years. We share a similar view on how the city should be run…. like a business. This is why I am supporting him in this election. We should be more receptive and helpful to entice and accommodate new business, affordable housing, and development, while valuing and supporting existing business. We need to stop spending at such an alarming rate and draw the line on tax increases, with no increase in 2015 and a maximum of cost of living after that. The city has to become more flexible, listen to and act on what is important to the taxpayers of the community. The goal should be to make Revelstoke a better place to live now and in the future.” Photo courtesy of Mark McKee