Three little news briefs

BC Hydro is embarking on a fish habitat improvement project designed in cooperation with the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans that will place gravel on exposed riverbanks along the Columbia River.

The utility said in a statement that the intent of the project is to reintroduce gravel removed from the Illecillewaet River back into the Columbia system. The project will place some of the gravel removed during the Illecillewaet River dredge work on the east riverbank of the Columbia River, across from the Centennial Park soccer fields, and on the west riverbank of the Columbia River off Begbie Road, south of the Illecillewaet River. It is expected that the gravel will slowly be taken downstream by fluctuating river flows over the winter and benefit fish and fish habitat.

The gravel placement work is planned to start November 17 and be completed by early December.

Hydro asks residents to be mindful of slow-moving trucks transporting gravel from the storage area on the Illecillewaet River road on city streets to the gravel placement locations, in particular the Illecillewaet River Road near the Selkirk Saddle Club, Fourth Street, Downie Street, along Centennial Drive, and Victoria Road. Flaggers will be used as needed to ensure public safety.


Community Connections is holding a special event to help youths and young adults with disabilities to discover how to make the transition to services for adults.

Supportive Child Development Coordinators Andree Rioux and Erin MacLachlan said the Free Youth Transition Fair is being held at RSS on Thursday, November 13, from 4 until 6 pm.

The fair will provide them with information about employment, educational opportunities and recreational and leisure services.

Coffee, refreshments and door prizes will be provided.

Please click here to view the poster.


It’s supposed to be bright and sunny on Tuesday, November 11, but dress warmly when you g downtown for the Remembrance Day ceremony as the high is supposed to be just -5° Celsius and the low will be -8°.

Veterans, Army Cadets and Mounties will march to the Cenotaph at about 10:50 am, with the highlight of the annual ceremony happening at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Remembrance Day attendance is usually high and may be higher this year as a result of the recent terror attacks in Ontario and Quebec. You may want to fins a spot there earlier, rather than later.