Having trouble becoming a user in order to comment? Here’s why…

By David F. Rooney
The Current has been under cyber-attack by Russian and East European hackers, with the odd Venezuelan tossed into the mix, for the last 18 months. While they now try brute-force attempts to crack their way in they initially attempted to worm their way in by posing as subscribers. As a result I have had to curtail the right of all readers to freely access the process that allows them to subscribe as users and thereby comment on stories. This only applies to people who do not already have a user account on The Current.
That doesn’t mean I don’t want your comments. I do. Please send me the user name and password you would like to use and I will enrol you in the ranks of The Current’s users. My e-mail address is drooney1@telus.net. If I do not know you personally and your real name is not obvious from your e-mail address please include your real name. If you are not from Revelstoke, please include the city or town where you reside. (That information will not appear with your comments but I like to know where users come from.)
You will automatically be notified when I have set up your account and I will have to approve your first comment. Once I have done that you will be free to comment on any story at any time.