After weeks of uncertainty due to the recently ended teachers’ strike, parents greeted the start of the school year on Monday, September 22, with elation.
Comments from parents at the city’s three elementary schools ranged from: “We’re so ready for this” to “It’s not just me, they’reready to go back, too.”
The first day back was marked by the traditional Mug ‘n’ Muffin meet-and-greet at each school from 9:30 until 10 am and a very short day. Kids were out of class by lunch, but their full days start Tuesday.
Here are a few photos from the day:
It’s Monday, September 22, and at 9:10 am parents and kids are just starting to arrive at Arrow Heights Elementary School for the traditional Mug ‘n’ Muffin event that kicks off the school year. David F. Rooney photoParents of kids attending local schools are universally happy to see their kids start school. What’s more, all of those who chatted with me this morning at all three elementary schools said their kids were more than ready for the start of classes. David F. Rooney photoIt’s 9:25 am and high school students are starting to arrive at RSS. It’s a good bet that the majority of our teens were relieved to be back at school. David F. Rooney photoIt’s 9:33 and this sign says it all at Begbie View! David F. Rooney photoParents, teachers and kids mingled on the playground during the BVE Mug ‘n’ Muffin. Please click on this image to see a larger version of it. David F. Rooney photoAnd, at 9:45 am, it was much the same at Columbia Park Elementary. The school district should soon be releasing district attendance numbers so we’ll know how many students are actually in class this year. David F. Rooney photoMmmm. Kids at CPE weren’t interested in the coffee on offer but, boy, they certainly liked the tasty-looking muffins from Tim Hortons! David F. Rooney photo