The annual Terry Fox Run attracted 80 participants on Sunday morning, September 14. and, says organizer Emma Kirkland of the Golf Club’s Last Tee restaurant, raised $3907.67 for cancer research.
“The dunk tank was a huge success thanks to Team Gloria and the free golf was muchly appreciated, so a big thanks to the Revelstoke Golf Club,” she said.
Here are a few photos from the event:
The annual Terry Fox Run was held on Sunday, September 14, with participation by families like Vanessa Simpson and her kids Halle and Mikayla (center left) and Karen Matthews and her children Zach and Samantha Veninsky (right), shown here registering with organizer Emma Kirkland at the Last Tee. David F. Rooney photoAfter the 10-kilometre run there was plenty to do at the Golf Club. Your could play gold for free, if you were accompanied by a child, or have fun with the dunk tank set up by Team Gloria. Photo courtesy of Emma KirklandHere’s what it looks like to be a dunkee! Photo courtesy of Emma Kirkland