John Antoniuk & Jen Lane play the plaza on Wednesday

John Antoniuk and Jen Lane will be appearing at Grizzly Plaza on Wednesday, August 20. These Saskatoon singers/songwriters currently touring western Canada and compliment one another beautifully as they perform each other's music. To discover more about them please click on the links below. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Lachance photo courtesy of Scott Pilling/National Hearing Labs
John Antoniuk and Jen Lane will be appearing at Grizzly Plaza on Wednesday, August 20. These talented Saskatoon singers/songwriters currently touring western Canada and compliment one another beautifully as they perform each other’s music. To discover more about them please click on the links below. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Lachance photo courtesy of Scott Pilling/National Hearing Labs


Click on the link below to hear their song, Lost:

For more information please go to: /