In Pictures: A dramatic fire on Downie Street — UPDATED!
Fire gutted a mobile home at 1105 Downie Street on Thursday afternoon and although no one was injured, it did throw a scare into some residents due to its proximity to a large propane tank and a wood yard at Downie Street Sawmills. David F. Rooney photo
By David F. Rooney
Fire gutted a mobile home at 1105 Downie Street on Thursday afternoon and although no one was injured, it did throw a scare into some residents due to its proximity to a large propane tank and a wood yard at Downie Street Sawmills.
Three trucks responded to the first alarm about the fire. The cause has yet to be determined. Area resident Diane Lang said the unit was occupied by a single man who was at work when the fire occurred.
Will Young, the young man who lost everything, including his beloved dog Boxer, rests in this family photo. The question undoubtedly on his mind is “Where’s Boxer?” There were contradictory reports after the fire that Boxer had been seen on Moss Street and then that he had not escaped the fire at all. However, Fire Chief Rob Girard told The Current on Tuesday morning that fire crews did not find Boxer’s body when they pulled apart the smouldering remains of the burned-out trailer. So where is Boxer? He is described as a friendly, mid-sized dog weighing 50-60 pounds. Recovering him would undoubtedly be an immense help to the young man. “I know there’re a lot of pictures of the fire that was my brothers home and possible sightings of his dog, Boxer,” Bobbie-Joe Young told The Current in an e-mail Tuesday morning. “I was wondering if we could have a photo of him (Boxer) in as well so people can see what he looks like and hopefully if he did make it out we can find him with everyone’s help. My little brother is just devastated right now and it would really help if people knew what to look for. Thanks so much if this is possible.” If you think you have seen Boxer please call Animal Control at 250-837-4747. The Current is happy to help out. Photo courtesy of Bobbie-Joe Young
However, while the man is fine some of his friends are concerned about the whereabouts of his pet, a friendly black and brown dog with a white chest.
“Some people thought they saw him over on Moss Street,” Roma Threatful told The Current.
A later report said Boxer died in the fire, but Fire Chief Rob Girard said the animal’s body was not found in the ruins of the trailer when it was finally pulled apart.
In mid afternoon of Monday August 25 at 3 pm, Revelstoke Fire “Upon arrival Fire Crews observed heavy smoke and flame coming from a mobile home at the rear of the trailer park,” said Fire Chief Rob Girard.
“There we no occupants of the building when fire crews first arrived on scene, however, we have reports of a family pet not being accounted for at this time.”
He said fire crews were on the look out for the animal’s body when they were pulling the smouldering structure apart but didn’t see it.
“…We were looking when it was being pulled apart,” Chief Girard told The Current. “I heard a dog was spotted on the Greenbelt, I gather it wasn’t that dog?”
At this point no one knows, but if you spot Boxer, who has a brown and black coat with a white patch on his chest please call Animal Control at 250-837-4747.
Firefighters extinguished and overhauled the fire in just under 3 hours, with the aid of an excavator with an initial response time of just under 5 minutes by career staff.”
The fire Department responded with 3 engines and a command vehicle with no injuries to any of the 24 responding fire personnel.
“Fire spread was minimized because of the quick response by Engine One. The structure on fire was directly… Downie Timber Ltd., which was a priority to protect in our strategies and tactics.”
Girard indicated that the fire is under investigation by Fire Inspector Roger Echlin.
Here are photos of the event:
The column of smoke could be seen all across the city. Alan Polster spotted it a couple of minutes after we chatted outside the Post Office at 3 pm and then drew my attention to it by yelling from across Third Street. I got there within two or three minutes and the Fire Rescue Service had at least one truck there ahead of me. David F. Rooney photoA trailer park resident watches the action as his neighbour’s house burns. David F. Rooney photoJef Kline probably had the most dramatic photo of Fire Rescue personnel in action with this shot, taken from behind the little trailer park. It was certainly better than mine. Thanks for sharing this, Jef! Jef Kline photoOf course, anyone who had a cellphone whipped it out and started taking pictures and videos. A moment after this photo was taken a small propane tank exploded with a distinctive “Boom!” David F. Rooney photoA neighbourhood resident watches as a BC Hydro worker helps a firefighter adjust the position of a hose. David F. Rooney photoHose adjusted, the BC Hydro worker gazes up at the billowing smoke. David F. Rooney photoFire Chief Rob Girard said no one was injured during the fire, the cause of which is as-yet unknown. David F. Rooney photoA neighbour asks about power to neighbouring residences. David F. Rooney photoBC Hydro employees disconneted power t the burning building. David F. Rooney photoNeighbourhood residents gathered in small clumps to watch the action. David F. Rooney photoSome even ventured closer to the scene as a Mountie approached Fire Rescue personnel for details on the fire. David F. Rooney photo