Here’s the submission that Cheryl wrote that triggered that donation:
“A few years ago here at Revelstoke Cable, a division of YourLink Inc., we had an elderly customer who loved her television and even treated herself to some digital channels, even though she lived on a very limited income.
“One day she came into our office and was very upset. Her television had broken and she had no money to repair or replace it, so she would have to disconnect her only source of entertainment. After she left out office we remembered one of our staff had brought in an older TV after they had purchased a new one. It was still in great working condition.
“We quickly loaded the TV into ne of our vans and the tech headed over to her residence. When the tech explained he was there to deliver a TV she cried with happiness. Since she didn’t even have a phone she made the tech phone the office on his cell and, through her sobs, she couldn’t thank us enough. No one had ever done anything so special as this for her.
“When she had to move a year later she proudly came into our office and said she didn’t have room to take the TV with her, so she paid it forward and gave it to someone else who really needed it.
“It was our turn to shed the tears. We all went home that day with smiles on our faces and a warm feeling that we had let another customer know just how special they are.”
Trees for Tots lets people know just how special they are, too. The local charity is locally supported by individuals and small businesses, like RCTV/YourLink, in our community. Trees for Tots Treasurer Linda Beerling said that in the last 18 months the charity has helped out 22 different Revelstoke families by helping defray the costs of 47 out-of-town trips to doctors’ appointments and/or hospital stays. The total cost of these trips was $21,559. Neighbours helping neighbours — it doesn’t get much better than that. David F. Rooney photo