Highway traffic is being diverted through the City today, Tuesday July 22, as the Trans-Canada Highway is the scene of a truck fire near the Meadows-in-the-Sky Parkway. Everything should be back to normal later today.
A statement from Staff Sgt. Kurt Grabinsky said the RCMP, Fire Rescue Services, Parks Canada and the BC Ambulance Service responded when a west-bound semi truck the roadside barrier at the access road to the parkway.
“The tractor trailer unit caught fire as a result of the accident which then resulted in the trailer catching fire,” Grabinsky said. “Diesel fuel was present on the highway as a result. The trailer contained liquid fertilizer and other flammable consumer goods, some of which has spilled onto the highway. Revelstoke Fire Department has contained the fire and the debris. Parks Canada is presently assessing the environmental impact.”
Traffic has been diverted through Revelstoke until the highway is cleared of the truck and all environmental concerns.
The hiking trail leading up to the Meadows of the Sky from Revelstoke has been blocked off due to the burning fertilizer.
Charges to the driver are pending further investigation from Trans-Canada East Traffic Services, the statement said.