The Illecillewaet Greenbelt Society is making a stroll along its paths a more comfortable experience with the addition this year of benches and new trail signs.
This past weekend Greenbelt Director and friend Ward Kemerer installed two simple cedar and stone benches donated to the society. Trevor Bird at Stella Jones donated the cedar saw log while Mike Cummings milled it and quarried the stone footings. Later this autumn, a special bench the society commissioned from wood carver Rod Aspeslet as well as cereamic trail signs being created by Nancy Geismar and Mas Matsushita will also be installed. That installation is a few months away but here are photos of Mike’s benches being installed:
The Illecillewaet Greenbelt Society has recently benefitted from the donation of two rustic benches custom-built by Mike Cummings. That was great for the society but installing them called for a couple of guys — in this case Don Pegues (left) and Ward Kemerer — to go the extra mile. Here the boys load the bench and its footings — two blocks of stone — onto a dolly prior to carting them to the bench’s final location. Barb Kemerer photoPhew! Moving the stone footings was no easy feat, even for two men in pretty good shape. Barb Kemerer photoWith the stones in place, Don rilled holes for metal posts that would hold the bench seat in place. Barb Kemerer photoIs it in? Ward checks to make sure the bench is properly seated. Barb Kemerer photoThat looks about right. Barb Kemerer photoAnd look — the bench immediately attracted a Greenbelt user, in this case Jean Bensrud who was out for a stroll with her dog. Barb Kemerer photo