Humane Society appreciates RBC’s generosity

The Royal Bank of Canada is well known in the community for supporting non-profit groups and this time it showed its generosity with an $1,100 cheque for the Revelstoke & District Humane Society. Sami Lingren and Shannon Van Goor (center) and Marika Koncek (right) said the money will go a very long way to helping our animal friends at the shelter the society operates in the Public Works yard on Victoria Road. David F. Rooney photo
The Royal Bank of Canada is well-known in the community for supporting non-profit groups and this time it showed its generosity with an $1,100 cheque for the Revelstoke & District Humane Society. Sami Lingren and Shannon Van Goor (center) and Marika Koncek (right) said the money will go a very long way to helping our animal friends at the shelter the society operates in the Public Works yard on Victoria Road. David F. Rooney photo