By Laura Stovel
Moberly Manor residents and staff planted a variety of vegetables, berries and herbs in their new wheelchair-accessible gardens on Thursday, May 15.
Resident Janine Evans, who gardened for many years before she was in a wheelchair, knew exactly how to supervise the transplanting of tomatoes. The planters are not only good for people in wheelchairs; they also allow seniors to garden without having to bend down.
The project, funded by the federal government’s New Horizons for Seniors Program, was coordinated by the North Columbia Environmental Society, with a large contribution in time and skill by Ken Talbot of the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre. Rona – Glacier Building Supplies and Kozek’s Sawmills also made substantial donations in materials towards the planters.
Other wheelchair accessible planters will go to The Cottages and the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre.
Here are two photos from this event: