There’s no mistaking the delight and gratitude on Charlotte O’Neil’s face as RCMP Const. Seanan Sharpe presents her with a new iPad Air and other technological marvels at the RCMP detachment on Sunday, April 27. Sharpe is the Revelstoke RCMP’s cyclist in the annual Cops for Kids cycling event, which raises money to provide children with technologies that can help them out. “As you know, Cops for Kids is a charitable foundation that helps kids in crisis and their families,” he told The Current. “We have helped numerous families so far in Revelstoke and look forward to helping many more. Here are some current stats, as of April 24th, we are currently at 76 grant applications for the year and last year we processed 135 so we are way ahead of any other year.” Sean is currently raising money to help with the Cops for Kids road trip in the late summer. If you’d like to help him out, you can reach him at 250-837-5255. David F. Rooney photo