Advertising Feature

By David F. Rooney
There’s an old adage that says, ‘success breeds success’ and perhaps nowhere in Revelstoke is that truer than at the Art First Gallery on First Street West.
The Art First Gallery Partnership, which owns the city’s most successful retail art gallery, is now inviting new visual artists to join their ranks and work to ensure that success continues to breed success.
Located at 113 First Street West, Art First offers the widest and finest selection of paintings, sculptures, ceramics, photography, textiles, jewellery, metalwork and woodwork available in Revelstoke.
“We have done very well,” says Art First Gallery Director Jacqueline Pendergast.
“We’re finishing off our fourth year. We have 11 members and are looking for four more. When you have more members working together as a team it’s easier to make a cooperative run smoothly.”
Jackie said 65% of the gallery’s sales are to local residents who know excellent art when they see it. The rest of it shipped to clients elsewhere in Canada and the world beyond.
She said the coop is looking for artists who can bring excellent work in different media, especially 3-D art, to Art First In return for a few hours a month working in the gallery, contribution to rent and the payment of a 10% commission on the sale of their work they’ll know their work is professionally showcased and marketed.
“I can’t underestimate the value of having your work displayed well,” she said. “You can’t put a price on that.”
Besides traditional art forms such as paintings, sculptures, textiles, ceramics, photography, jewellery, metalwork and woodwork, Art First Gallery is also about to unveil a line of wearable artworks.
Interested in making your mark? Contact Jacqueline Pendergast 250-837-5125 or send her an e-mail at In the meantime, feel free to drop into the Art First Gallery at 113 First Street West any week day or come to the gallery’s Spring Show on May 2; it’s free and tickets are available at ArtFirst!
Here area few images of works available at Art First:

Western Bluebird
By Jim Lawrence
Pixel scrambled photograph

Lion’s Hope (bottom left)
By Chloe Juwon Kim
Asian pigment on paper

by Rachel Kelly
Acrylic on Canvas

By Stan Gee
Acrylic on Canvas

By Kristi Marcoffio
Acrylic on Canvas

By Rod Aspeslet

A Bear named Stan (middle right) and Woodland Family
by Cherie Van Overbeke
Acrylic and Ink on Wood

By Nancy Geismar

By James Karthein