On Wednesday, February 26, 2014, there was a sea of pink at Arrow Heights Elementary School. The reason for this ocean of fuchsia was to raise awareness of what bullying is, and what we can do to prevent it. We wore pink because a boy at a high school a few years ago was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. His story spread, and now we all wear pink shirts every year on February 26.
Here are photos of this celebration at Arrow Heights Elementary School:
Arrow Heights Elementary School wears a sea of pink in the AHE gym on their Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day on February 26. Photo by AHE Principal Todd HicksRoean Kurtz and Francesco Morrone show off their origami hearts that they made themselves in the AHE gym . Photo by AHE Principal Todd HicksEmily MacLeod and Nicola Des Mazes work together on their origami heart buddy activity in the AHE gym. Photo by AHE Principal Todd HicksJude Thompson smiles as he shows off his origami heart, a buddy activity for our Pink Shirt Day in the AHE gym on February 26. Photo by AHE Principal Todd HicksJosh Gale and Gavin Camara fold origami hearts during the buddy activity in the AHE gym . Photo by AHE Principal Todd HicksAndie Reynolds and Emma Mair work together on their buddy activity in the AHE gym on February 26. Photo by AHE Principal Todd Hicks