Congratulations to the following winners in the Canadian Avalanche Centre’s annual Snow Safety Poster Contest (images of their posters are below the winners’ list):
1st Place: Fiona Woodman, BVE
2nd Place: Peyton Hollingsworth, BVE
Grade 1/2:
1st Place: Zachary Burke, BVE
2nd Place: Aiden Hill, CPE
Grade 3:
1st Place: Makayla Pelletier, BVE
2nd Place: Sani Supinen, BVE
Grade 4/5:
1st Place: Sydney Musseau, AHE
2nd (Tie)Place: Austin Desmazes, AHE
2nd (Tie)Place: Morgan Tegart, BVE
Grade 6/7:
1st Place: Jackson Litke, AHE
2nd (Tie) Place: Kimberly Howard, AHE
2nd (Tie)place: Everet Carter, BVE
Here are there colourful creations: