The Revelstoke Adaptive Sports Program is officially open for business and is hosting a launch at Revelstoke Mountain Resort on Saturday, January 4.
“Our aim is to make the adventure sports that make Revelstoke special accessible to individuals who experience limitations from physical and cognitive learning disabilities,” organizers Joe Lammers and Sarah Peterson said in a statement.
“To celebrate we’re hosting an official launch this Saturdayat Revelstoke Mountain Resort. Think of it as an open house where we’ll be available to answer questions, conduct sit-ski demonstrations and allow members of the public to try a run or two on a sit ski (assisted of course!). Look for our tent at the base of the Revelation Gondola in the morning and then at the Mid-Mountain Lodge around lunch time.”
The statement said the newly formed adaptive sports program in Revelstoke started during the warm months of 2012. Simon Wex, Izzy Lynch, Jeff Scott (Live it Love it Foundation), and Joe Lammers came together with the understanding that Revelstoke has so much to offer yet wasn’t quite accessible to everyone.
Revelstoke Adaptive Sports Program is focused on increasing accessibility and learning opportunities in sports for people with physical and cognitive disabilities.
Word spread quickly. A formal program development Board of Directors was formed, funding was secured, instructors were certified, equipment was acquired, and the Revelstoke Adaptive Association became a registered Society.
For more information please come up to the program’s tent at noon on Saturday or send an e-mail to inforevelstokeadaptive@gmail.com.