Thursday was quite a day for Revelstoke firefighters and Highway Rescue Society members Steve Olsson and Dan Sculnick.
The pair received a Public Safety Lifeline award on behalf of the society from Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton in Victoria and they were mentioned in the House of Commons.
A highly trained and dedicated group who perform a valuable service for the travelling public, the Revelstoke Highway Rescue Society members contribute their time for training and emergency calls, answering between 80 to 150 calls each year.
“Public Safety Lifeline Volunteers demonstrate a selfless commitment to the safety of B.C. families and communities,” Anton said at the award presentation in the Legislature. On behalf of our government and the people of British Columbia, I want to extend a special thanks to those who give of themselves – for their exceptional service, their years of dedication and their passion for helping others during emergencies.”
Although they are partially funded by Emergency Management BC, the majority of their funding comes from donations by members of the community. The BC Ambulance Service and RCMP have both complimented the society’s members for their great work.
There are more than 13,000 PSLVs from every corner of the province and from all walks of life who support disaster response in British Columbia. They respond to an average of 6,000 incidents a year and contribute their time, community spirit, dedication and commitment to saving lives and public safety.
The 2013 winners are:
- PEP Air – Trevor Black (Richmond)
- Emergency Social Services – Dave Dickson (Williams Lake)
- Search and Rescue – John Rempel (Burns Lake)
- Road Rescue – Revelstoke Highway Rescue Society
- Emergency Radio Communications – Frank VanderZande (Prince George)
- Lifetime Achievement – Ole Edliq (Comox Valley)
Here’s what MP David Wilks had to say in the House of Commons on Thursday afternoon:
“Mr. Speaker:
“Each year, rescue units from across Canada commit to saving lives and witness some of the most gruesome scenes in relation to Highway accidents involving injury and death.
“The Trans-Canada Highway through the Rocky Mountains is one of the most challenging pieces of road way in Canada and can be unpredictable any time of year.
“Mr. Speaker:
“The Revelstoke Highway Rescue firefighters are being recognized this month by Emergency Management BC for their exemplary service to the motoring public in road rescue
“Revelstoke Fire Chief Rob Girard states that the extrication work done by the team using the Jaws of Life is very important.
“Firefighters Steve Olsson and Dan Sculnick will travel to Victoria BC this month to accept the award on behalf of the Revelstoke Highway Rescue Team.
“Brad Faucett, president of the Revelstoke Fire Rescue Society says they continue to be, a very dedicated group who are there to help the motoring public when in crisis.
“Mr. Speaker:
“Congratulations to the brave men and women of the Revelstoke Highway Rescue team for an award well deserved.”