If you’re one of the folks who spotted dead vegetation beneath the power lines running along Westside Road and contacted The Current rest assured that you were right. BC Hydro did spray herbicides along the power lines. But it was not recent. Here’s what BC Hydro Community Liaison Jennifer Walker-Larsen had to say: The vegetation control work along the distribution power line right of ways on Westside Road and Hwy 23 South was done quite a while ago — in mid-August, 2013. This work was follow up to mowing that was done in 2012 to control vegetation growth under the lines and involved targeted application of a selective herbicide to eliminate individual tall-growing plants along the right-of way that could would with the line if allowed to grow. Crews used backpack sprayers to individually treat the specific problem plants and posted notices along the treatment corridor for 2 weeks after the treatment. The two-step approach of mowing followed by selective herbicide application reduces the environmental impact of vegetation control by leaving low-growing shrubs, grasses, and plants that do not interfere with the power lines intact. Like other utilities in Canada, BC Hydro conducts regular vegetation control under our power lines to ensure public safety and improve reliability of service. BC Hydro’s vegetation control along distribution line right-of-ways is conducted according to our BC Hydro Distribution Corridor Pest Management Plan that is advertised in local papers each year and available at https://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/hydro/medialib/internet/documents/safety/pdf/pest_management_plan.pdf. Ken Talbot photos