The last legislative session over the summer dealt entirely with passing the budget even though there are a number of major pieces of legislation that have been promised. And the Premier has just announced that she is cancelling the fall session of the Legislature.
One legislative change needed is an update to the Province’s liquor laws. For the 8 years that I have been your MLA, you have raised a number of concerns with the current law and suggested many ways to modernize our laws. I have shared those concerns and suggestions with government and have been promised that an overhaul is coming.
Over the next several months, the government will be considering all aspects of liquor policy within British Columbia. You can share your thoughts through this website: http://engage.gov.bc.ca/liquorpolicyreview/. It is important that you also send your comments to me at norm.macdonald.mla@leg.bc.ca. This will ensure that I can raise your concerns once the legislation is brought forward.
We are also waiting on the government to put forward a new Water Act. The proper management of our water is desperately needed, and our Water Act dates back to 1909. You can learn more about the work that is being done atlivingwatersmart.ca/water-act/. Please continue to share your thoughts with me so that we can ensure that our perspective is included.
The third piece of legislation which will have significant impact on residents and businesses within this area is the Resource Road Act. The government has information on what it is considering at www.for.gov.bc.ca/mof/nrra/.
We were successful in forcing the government to withdraw an earlier version of the act that you told me would restrict our access to our backcountry, and download costs to small businesses. We need to make sure that the next version meets our needs.
MLA for Columbia River-Revelstoke Norm Macdonald is also the Deputy Chairman of the Special Committee on Timber Supply and Opposition Critic for Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations . He can be reached at 250-344-4816 | 1-866-870-4188 |104, 806 9th Street N | Box 2052 Golden BC V0A 1H0 | www.NormMacdonald.ca