They came for all their own reasons but the ultimate goal for everyone who participated in the Terry Fox Run was to honour the one-legged cancer victim and cross-Canada runner who wanted to raise money for cancer research.
Take Nancy Jensen. When her husband, Doug, died two years ago from a rare cancer she and their children and other family members wanted a way to honour him and they found that through the annual run. Together have raised thousands of dollars — about $3,000 this year.
“We raised $3,658 and had 79 runners officially but there were approximately 10 more who just went along for the fun,” said Emma Kirkland who organized the local Terry Fox Run.
It was certainly good-natured fun, as you can see from this selection of 10 photos:
Registration for this year’s Terry Fox Run was held at The Last Drop’s Patio at 9 am on Sunday. As you can there were people outside waiting for a chance to register or — perhaps — waiting on friends or family members who still had to register. David F. Rooney photoBut the crowd outside was nothing like the crowd inside, all of them trying to catch registrar Emma Kirkland’s attention at the same time. David F. Rooney photoHere, a grinning Pam Doyle managed to capture Emma’s attention. David F. Rooney photoWherever you have groups of kids and adults getting ready to run you’ll find the news media, in this case Times Review Editor Aaron Orlando snapping some images of excited young teens. David F. Rooney photoAnd…… they’re off! All kinds of people on feet, in prams, on bikes and even with a dog or two in tow surged away from the Last Drop Patio on their way to the half-way point at Williamson’s Lake on the southern edge of town. David F. Rooney photoWithin minutes of the departure of the main body of runners, Laurie Booker, the first Terry Fox participant to complete the course arrived back at the Last Drop. Laurie had been one of the first people to register and set off on the course right away. David F. Rooney photoTerry Fox Run participants spill down Red Devil Hill on Airport Way. David F. Rooney photoMost Terry Fox participants were feeling a tad dehydrated when they reached Williamson’s Lake. Lucky for them, Last Drop employee John Price was on hand with a truck-load of bottled water. David F. Rooney photoThese two very thirsty boys, Gavin Mason and Simon Blackie, had to cacth their breath before they can suck back some H2O. David F. Rooney photoThere’s a paparazzi! Get ’em! Janet Lemieux and her husband Alan Mason aimed for the photographer who was wildly taking photos of their on-bike hooliganism as they cycled back to the Last Drop. Fortunately for me, they missed! David F. Rooney photo