Hiob Road resident Fred Cooper is a little steamed with the City after a road-paving project ended with “everyone on my street (having) their driveways connected to the road at city expense… Everyone’s driveway but mine,” he said in a letter to City Hall.
“Three winters ago, I had it on good authority that Hiob road was due to be paved in the spring,” he wrote. “I then planned to piggyback on the city’s initiative and have my driveway redone at the same time. In preparation for the paving crew’s arrival I had a cement pad laid on my property to park my cars. In this process of preparing my driveway for the cement work, my entire driveway was removed. (If I had been aware that I would be penalized for removing my own driveway I would never have paid to removed that material). By that spring circumstances had changed and Hiob Road’s paving was delayed until this September.
“When the paving crew arrived… they dutifully laid the new road on Hiob, patching in each driveway as they proceeded. Every driveway but mine. Some of the driveway patches are 10 or 11 feet long, spanning the entire ditch, the average being 5 or 6 feet long. All of these patches are on the tax payers bill.
“My question is, ‘Why am I being penalized for removing my own driveway?’ I’m not asking the city to pave my entire driveway! I’m only asking for a 3- or 4-foot patch to reconnect to the rest of my driveway, the same courtesy the city saw fit to bestow upon my neighbours.”
Councillor Gary Starling went to bat for Cooper and urged Council to order a fix. However, Council voted 4-3 instead to send Cooper a letter outlining their reasons for not paving a connecting strip between his driveway and the road.
And what’s that reason? Everyone else got the pavement patch because during the roadway paving project the City’s Department of Public Works crews had actually destroyed the original pavement patches on the City-owned right of way between the new roadway and the other homes’ driveways while Cooper had built a new driveway where no paved patch had previously existed.
Please click here to read Cooper’s complete letter.
Two of the giants of early filmmaking — DW Griffith and Erich con Stroheim — will be the focus of the Bygone Era Entertainment Society’s film night at the Nickelodeon Museum this Friday, September 27.
“The programme will feature several early movies from around 1915-20 and one or two a bit later. Old Heidelberg, directed by D W Griffith and Erich von Stroheim, who also appears in it, is the story of the Student Prince, made long before the musical version,” David Evans said in the BEES statement.
“Hash House Fraud, featuring the Keystone Kops, is based on the sleazy restaurant theme used by Laurel and Hardy and other comedy actors at various times. Great fun and crazy, of course, like all the Keystone films.”
Speaking of Laurel, they’ll appear in The Car Wreckers — a must see if you like this kind of comedy!
There will also be a couple of cartoons, making for a fun evening starting at 7 pm at the Nickelodeon, 111 First Street West.
Call 250-837-5250 to reserve a seat. Tickets are $5 at the door.
It’s that time of year again! Revelstoke Crime Stopper’s 5th annual No Host Bazaar is set for Sunday, December 1, from 11 am until 4 pm, at the Revelstoke Community Centre.
Crime Stoppers encourages all potential vendors to act swiftly and register early.
Please click here to view the No Host Bazaar poster.
Please click here to see the registration form as .docx document.
Please click here to view the form as a PDF.
To register please fill out the registration form attached and drop off at the Business Enterprise Centre, 204 Campbell Ave. with payment. This event sells out every year so secure your table early to avoid disappointment!
There were only three new business licenses issued in Revelstoke last month.
The licenses went to a new catering firm, Cherco Food Services; Bradshaw Counselling and Consulting; and a contractor, Steep n Deep Earthworks.
A report to Council on Tuesday, September 24, noted that two previous licenses were cancelled, making a net gain of one new license. There are now 885 licensed businesses in Revelstoke.

Ever wonder what’s involved in forestry? An overview of forestry practices was presented to Council on Tuesday, September 24, by the Forest Workers’ Society.
Please click here to view their presentation.
The Ukrainian-Canadian Civil Liberties Association has too plaques, including one for Revelstoke, that it wants to unveil right across the country at 11 am on August 22, 1914, to mark the 100th Anniversary of the War Measures Act.
That Act of Parliament was used to justify the very first internment operations, which sent thousands of Ukrainian-Canadians to prison camps across Canada. One of those camps was set up in Revelstoke.
In a letter to Mayor Dave Raven and City Council the association asked if one of those plaques could be erected at Revelstoke City Hall.
Council was set to ignore the letter as it usually does not issue proclamations. It changed its mind at the last-minute because the plaque was clearly not a proclamation of any kind. It voted to ask Revelstoke Museum Curator Cathy English to look into the matter and suggest a suitable loca
Please click here to read the letter.
Effective immediately, the Caregiver Support Group, which assists people who are home caregivers, is moving its meetings to the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 11 am – noon usually in the MacPherson Room.
For more information please contact Tuulikki Tennant at 250-862-4200.
People who want a dedicated-use Dog Park should form a partnership with the Revelstoke and District Humane Society and then work with the City to find a suitable location for it, says a recommendation from the Parks, Recreation and Culture Committee.
The Committee suggestion, which was made during its September 11 meeting, also suggested that a non-profit group would be better poised to organize and operate such a park because it can apply for grants to help it maintain such a park. “…this would minimize the financial burden on the City,” said the committee’s report to Council. “If a non-profit group would like to explore this option the City would work with them on finding a suitable location.”
The Summer Art Walk has been extended to October 6 to be part of the new Cornucopia Festival running October 1 – 6. Artists who have works on display in venues throughout town can remove them on Monday, October 7.
As part of the Cornucopia Festival, there will be a fund-raising event for the prevention of Breast Cancer at the mid mountain lodge of Revelstoke Mountain Resort on October 2. Artists are invited to donate items for a 50/50 Silent Auction. Please contact Amy Flexman at amyflexman@gmail.com. if you are able to donate a piece of art. The organizers are also looking for donated table centerpieces on a fall theme for the event.