The Public Works Department is going to replace its 2005 Elgin Street Sweeper, the City said in a statement released on Friday, September 20.
The cost of the machine is estimated at $169,000. This purchase is included in the 2013 capital budget and follows the Equipment Replacement Plan as the current sweeper has fulfilled its life cycle.
“The sweeper will be replaced with a 2013 Johnston RT 655 which is a model type Dual Steer Regenerative Air Sweeper on a Conventional Chassis from Falcon Equipment,” the statement said.
The statement also outlined the City’s Purchasing and Tendering Policy P -10, Section 4.13, which states that the City will buy in the open market and will seek the greatest possible value and services for its purchasing dollars. The placement of orders and awards of contracts will be based on “Best Value” to the City.
“The City of Revelstoke initiated the tender process with a closing date of August 1, 2013, and received seven proposals,” DPW Operations Manager Darren Komonoski said in the statement. “Following a thorough evaluation of all proposals, the Johnston RT 655 was determined to be the best value to the City.
Delivery of the new sweeper is expected to be in early 2014.