Federal Liberal MP Heddy Fry to hold meeting here on Friday Liberal MP Heddy Fry is coming to Revelstoke on Friday, August 16, and, in her capacity as federal Liberal Party health critic, will hold a public meeting on health care at the Regent Inn. “In her role as federal Liberal health critic, Dr. Fry has been traveling across the country, not just to large cities, but to many smaller communities as well,” Ryan Cotter, her legislative assistant, said in an e-mail to The Current on Wednesday morning. “As you note, Health Care is such a broad, complex topic. Dr. Fry’s role is to not just listen to the experts in the field, but also the experiences Canadians have with their Health Care system – where they see need for improvement or where they see things working well. The discussion will focus mainly on two key areas: one being the expiration of the Health Accord next year and the other will be on a National Pharmacare Strategy. “I’ve provided a link to the 2004 Health Accord, signed by former Prime Minister Paul Martin and the premiers in 2004 as well as a link to Dr. Fry’s recent Huffington Post blog on the issue of Pharmacare.” Here are the two links he provided: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/delivery-prestation/fptcollab/2004-fmm-rpm/index-eng.php http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/hedy-fry/harper-national-pharmacare-strategy_b_3683363.html A media advisory from her Parliament Hill office said the meeting will begin at 6 pm and is closed to the news media.
Immigration and Employment Law workshop! Revelstoke Settlement Services is holding a free workshop on immigration and employment law on Thursday. It will appeal to individuals interested in immigrating to Canada, those working with new immigrants or interested in learning more about that field. It will also be useful to people seeking information for a friend or family member or men and women who want to learn about foreign workers’ rights. The workshop is being held at Okanagan College from 5 until 6:30 pm. It is being led by two lawyers with experience in these fields. Sandra Hakanson is a lawyer at Pushor Mitchell LLP in Kelowna who focuses exclusively on Immigration and Citizenship law. She is familiar with assisting clients with all aspects of immigration to Canada. Sandra is serving her fifth year as a Regional Representative on the Executive of the BC Immigration Section. She volunteers with the Access to Justice Clinic and with the Multiple Sclerosis Society Volunteer Legal Advocacy Program. Greg Pratch is an employment lawyer, also at Pushor Mitchell, and is experienced with employment agreements, wrongful and constructive-dismissal lawsuits and human-rights matters. He advises employers and employees on Employment Standards and privacy legislation. Okanagan college is located in Farwell Centre at 1401 First Street West. There is no cost to attend but attendees are asked to register in advance by sending an e-mail to Jill Pratt at jpratt@okanagan.bc.ca or by calling her at 250-837-4235, extension 6502. Please click here to learn more about Revelstoke Settlement Services.
Learn how to harvest white mulberries

The Revelstoke Bear Aware Gleaning Project will be swinging into action this week with a white mulberry tree to harvest. If you have never tried white mulberries before, they are sweet, healthful and mild-flavoured, says WildSafe BC community coordinator Sue Davies. In an e-mail she said harvesters get to take home some of the fruit and any residual fruit goes to the Community Connections Food Bank. “We plan to harvest on Wednesday (August 14),” she said. “If you are interested in helping with the harvest, please email revelstoke@wildsafebc.com or phone… 250-837-8624.” It would be a shame to just eat mulberries for their health benefits as they are one of the most delicious and naturally sweet super fruits out there. With a sweet, almost vanilla-like aroma, this berry is slightly moist and chewy even when dried. White mulberries, formally known as morus alba, have always been used in traditional medicine in Asia and India for controlling insulin levels in those who are diabetic, have high blood pressure, hyperglycemia, heart disease or high cholesterol. It is said to nourish the blood, ease anemia and fight fatigue.
Emergency Services Food Drive volunteers will be knocking on your door next month
The Third Annual Emergency Services Food Drive is going to be held on Wednesday, September 18, at 6 pm and Thursday, September 19, at 8 pm.
This annual food drive, which involves emergency services personnel and hundreds of volunteers, covers the entire city and is a major source of food for the Community Connections Food Bank.
While organizers are pleased that people do give generously they would like to remind donors to please check the expiry dates on the canned and packaged foods they are donating. Foods with expired best-by dates cannot be accepted.
Please go to the Emergency Services Food Drive 2013 Facebook page to learn more.