In Pictures: Day 2 of the Glacier Challenge Slow Pitch Tournament
By David F. Rooney
The Glacier Challenge Slow Pitch Tournament powered through a Saturday morning dampened by overnight heavy rains and while there were distant rumbles of thunder off and on during the day there was no rain here.
“That rain was something,” said Scott Duke. “It was up above the wheels on my barbeque.”
He said the first heavy downpour swiftly drove dancers and others back to their tents or vehicles at about 12:45 am.
By morning, though things were damp people attached to the 87 teams in town were ready to enjoy the Farmers’ Market and everything else Revelstoke has to offer.
Farmers’ Market President Tamaralea Nelles said the visitors were a welcome infusion of cash for the mid-summer market vendors.
She said some Revelstokians really “don’t get it” when she and other businesspeople welcome visitors to town.
If they have a good time here, they’ll come back. And, she said, they’ll tell their families and friends who will likely come here to test the tourism waters. If theyhave a good time,too, a lot of the people trying to benefit from the tourists will make a few bucks. These are local people — not the out-of-town investors who own RMR and some of the other companies and hotels in Revelstoke.
Registration for the annual tournament is 87 this year, down from last year’s total registration of 93 and thatwas a deep decline from the pre-recession years when as many as 120 teams arrived here each summer. Because the tournament has traditionally drawn as many as 2,000 people here for the long weekend we should be working hard to impress the visitors who have come because we want them to return next year and help us build the tournament back up.
It’s also a moneymaker for local groups like the Rotary Club, the Ski Club (which is managing the campsites) and, this year, Crime Stoppers (see below).
In the meantime, here are a few of the photos we took during the day: