Don’t miss The Wheat in the Barley at Grizzly Plaza and the Last Drop on Thursday
The Wheat in The Barley is Canadian roots music with a major make-over. Crack songwriting, brilliant and warped arrangements and stunning instrumental solos unite under the banner of a savvy eclecticism that’s always been the band’s guiding light. The Wheat in the Barley pulls together a lot of great influences into one package: Celtic, Slavic, French Canadian, Yiddish, Cajun and more. With an impressive array of instruments at their command, the band puts on a show that’s as danceable as it is listenable. They even do school shows! The Wheat in the Barley are playing at Grizzly Plaza during Streetfest and at The Last Drop on Thursday, August 15. You can find out more about this amazing band at Photo courtesy of The Wheat in the Barley