Summer Reading Club kids are having a great summer
By Lucie Bergeron Revelstoke Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library
Here are some photos from our insect mania program, presented by the Okanagan Science Center. The kids learned to love Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, but weren’t so sure about the Longhorn Beetle larva. They experimented with eating like insects, using tweezers as mandibles, eyedroppers to suck up liquid like a mosquito, straws to simulate the proboscis of a butterfly, and sponges to suck up liquid like a fly.
And during a discussion about the Harry Potter children’s novels also go to play quiddich.
Kids at the library’s Summer Reading Club event called Insect Mania had a chance to not only look at bugs up close and personal but how to eat like them, too, as thesde young boys are intent on doing. Lucie Bergeron photoThe Summer Reading Club kids talked with a staffer from the Okanagan Science Centre about the insects that share the world with us. Lucie Bergeron photoThese kids were absolutely mesmerized — and maybe a little grossed out, too — by the Giant Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches during Insect Mania. Lucie Bergeron photoKids everywhere enjoy the Harry Potter series. And the kids in the Okanagan Regional Library’s Summer Reading Club had fun pretending they were playing the quidditch game that featiures in any of the Harry Potter novels. Lucie Bergeron photoHere’s another of the quidditch game. Lucie Bergeron photo