Museum & Archives is seeking a whole new look — and you get a vote!
By David F. Rooney
The Revelstoke Museum & Archives, which is already brighter and lighter, is bent on acquiring a whole new look and everyone in town is invited to help them choose the new design for the main floor exhibition space.
If you haven’t gone down to have a look and stick a red dot on their favourite design, then you should do so ASAP! And don’t forget to go upstairs to see the new show: MOSAIC. It’s all about us!
In the meantime, here are a four photos that give you some idea of how the museum is changing:
When was the last time visited the Revelstoke Museum & Archives? If you haven’t been there lately you’re bound to be surprised by the lighter, brighter look of its main floor exhibit space. David F. Rooney photoAnd there are more changes — significant changes — to come. David F. Rooney photoMuseum designer Cyler Page of Vernon shows City Councillor Linda Nixon one of his visions for the future: series of permanent exhibitions along the outer walls of the main room with a a central exhibition space for one-of-a-kind local — or small visiting — exhibitions in the centre. Other displays could also installed upstairs. Cuyler designed the Kamloops Museum and worked at the Vancouver Art Gallery and the Royal BC Museum in Victoria. David F. RooneyMuseum patrons get to have their say about which one of three designs they prefer for the Museum’s exhibition space. Everyone in Revelstoke is invited to go down, have a look and stick a red dot on their favourite design. You can also bend a staff person’s ear, if you like. And don;t forget to go upstairs to see the Museum’s new show: MOSAIC. It’s all about us! David F. Rooney photo