and her husband usually spend their summers in the Kootenays,” says Studio Connexions’ Anne Beliveau. “I met her at the gallery a few years ago and was delighted by her energy. She is also the author of Homage to Leonard Cohen, a book she wrote and illustrated with paintings she did while listening to his music. Her style is truly influenced by The Group of Seven and the German Expressionists.” The exhibition of Laishley’s landscapes opens on Friday, June 14, at Studio Connexions in Nakusp from 5 pm until 8 pm. It is on display until June 29. Image courtesy of Studio Connexions Gallery
If you’re in the village on a Saturday next month you should go on the Saturday Art Tour. This is the third consecutive year that the tour has taken place. During July and August participating studios and galleries open their doors to the public. The self-guided tour brings you to exhibitions and demonstrations of various visual arts, every Saturday from 11 am until 3 pm. Brochures are available at various locations. Or you can click here to see the brochure online.