Darrell Goodman has a pretty good eye. Over the years we have published a number of his photos and we especially liked his take on the fleet of vintage Bentleys that motored in and out of town today. I snagged a couple of photos but they pale in comparison with Darrell’s images, which I am very happy to share with the rest of The Revelstoke Current’s readers. Enjoy…
My wife went uptown today to pick us up some lunch and she phoned me and told me to grab my camera and come uptown. There was British Invasion going on… Darrell Goodman photoThe Bentley Drivers Club was on a tour, with members from the UK, Australia, and United States. There was about 25 cars on the tour. Darrell Goodman photoSome of the cars were shipped over from the UK and Australia to California where they were picked up and the tour to Northern US and Canada started. Darrell Goodman photo
The club itself is huge , world-wide, with 3,700 members. They do tours all over the world. Darrell Goodman photo
Wouldn’t it have been something if they showed up the same day as the Revelstoke Show and Shine? Darrell Goodman photoHere’s another beauty and — Oh, look! — they picked up a souveneir. Darrell Goodman photoAnyway Dave thats all the info that I could get as they only stopped here for lunch.. the few that I talked to thought this little town in the mountains was beautiful.. but then we already know that..Darrell Goodman photo