Norm Macdonald looked tanned and remarkably relaxed as he popped into town for a few more days of campaigning.
The incumbent MLA and Opposition Forestry Critic did some door knocking and toured Downie Sawmill with local campaign manager Bill MacFarlane before attending to Shuswap Columbia District Labour Council’s open house at the Railway Museum.
“I feel pretty good about it,” he said of the election campaign.
He has clocked a lot of kilometres criss-crossing the huge riding door knocking, speaking to organizations, attending meeting and meeting as many potential voters as possible.
Norm will be a guest during a video recording of RCTV’s In Conversation program. That program will be aired before the election on May 14.
In the time, here are some images from the day:
NDP Candidate Norm Macdonald has a busy schedule on Thursday. He did some door knocking around town and toured Downid Timber with Alan Smythe. David F. Rooney photoLike most people who have toured Revelstoke’s largest employer he was very impressed, in particular, with the degree of automation the mill has undergone. Smythe said the company has spent about $90 million dollars on computerization since the 1990s. David F. Rooney photoThe tour also gave Norm an opportunity to meet some of the people who make Downie a successful local industry. As the Official Opposition’s Forestry Critic he appreciates what it takes. David F. Rooney photoAlan describes to Norm and local campaign manager Bill MacFarlane the way Selkirk Cedar produces its value-added products. David F. Rooney photoInside Selkirk Cedar Alan inrtoduced Norm to may of the workers, lots of them women, to the NDP candidate. David F. Rooney photoNo matter who wins the election on May 14, the next MLA has to be sure he stays in contact withe the working people of Columbia River-Revelstoke. David F. Rooney photo
At the end of the tour on Thursday afternoon, Macdonald shadowed by local campaign manager Bill MacFarlane had lots of other things to do convincing people he is the man best-suited for the position of MLA. David F. Rooney photoBesides a little door knocking Norm attended the Shuswap Columbia District Labour Council’s open house at the Railway Museum. Here chatted with voters including Lorna Duncan (top). BC Conservative Candidate Earl Olsen also attended and posed for a photo with Labour Council President Michelle Cole. BC Liberal Doug Clovechok and Green Party Candidate Laurel Ralston could not attend the event.