Need to meet the candidates in the provincial election one last time before you vote your conscience on May 14?
Well you can do that this Thursday, May 9, when the Shuswap Columbia District Labour Council hosts an open house at the Railway Museum from 5 pm to 6:30 pm at the Revelstoke Railway Museum, 719 Track Street W, Gallery II.
“Getting out to make an informed vote is taking action,” Labour Council President Michelle Cole said in a statement.
She said the intention is to provide a venue where individuals can approach candidates to discuss specific issues or casually make contact with them in one evening. Refreshments will be provided.
The Shuswap Columbia District Labour Council (SCDLC) is a regional group of local trade unions. Reflecting the labour movement and labour issues in local communities, the SCDLC endeavours to play a role in the Revelstoke community. SCDLC activities and efforts include social and community action, political action, strike support and labour movement education. Affiliated union locals include the British Columbia Government Employees Union (BCGEU), Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union (COPE 378), Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUP W), Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU), North Okanagan Shuswap Teacher Association (NOSTA), Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), Revelstoke Teacher Association (RTA) and the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW 1518). A general meeting of labour council delegates will follow this event at 6:30 pm.