Local news you can use

Hospice needs new directors

The Hospice Society is holding its Annual General Meeting at the Community Centre on April 24 starting at 7 pm with social worker Tuulikki Tennant scheduled to speak about the grief process.

The society is seeking new directors so if you think you’d like to participate in this amazing little organization please send an e-mail to revhosp@telus.net for more information.


History of Hockey AGM looms on the horizon

Another upcoming Annual General Meeting concerns the History of Hockey Society and its members. Their AGM is scheduled for May 4 in the Minor Hockey Room at the Forum beginning at 7 pm.

If you’re interested in hockey and its role in our society this may be the group for you. Send an e-mail to Dennis Berarducci at denitothehab@live.com.


Green Party has a candidate for our riding

The British Columbia Green Party has finally found a candidate to run in the Columbia River-Revelstoke riding.

She is Laurel Ralston of Kimberley. Born and bred in Ottawa, she moved west to Edmonton where she completed a Master of Arts in Philosophy. According to her official biography on the Green Party website she has lived in Kimberley since September 2006. Currently, she works as a professional musician, writer, editor, and consultant. She is the choir director at Kimberley United Church, co-conductor of the Kimberley Community Band, choral accompanist at Selkirk Secondary School, and trumpeter with the Kootenay Brass Quintet, The Jazz Council and the Symphony of the Kootenays, as well as teaching privately and performing regularly as a freelance trumpeter and flautist. Ralston is serving her fifth term as the President of the Kimberley Arts Council, and in 2009-2010 she served as a director of the Kimberley Chamber of Commerce.

For more information about her campaign please send her an e-mail laurel.ralston@greenparty.bc.ca or pick up the phone and call 250-432-5317.


Rick Scott will entertain everyone!

Popular family-oriented singer Rick Scott will be in town on April 27 for an 11 am concert at the Performing Arts Centre.

Scott is an award-winning singer, songwriter and family entertainer whose gift for combining humour and poignant human commentary has earned him a devoted following from generations of Canadians. Please click here to view the poster.

He is also performing in a ‘language workshop’ at Begbie View Elementary School on April 25 at 7 pm.

During this event he will demonstrate how music impacted his life from an early age and the importance of creativity, imagination and humour in education and care giving. The program includes a hands-on demonstration of song writing in action. He says no experience necessary. This is a free event but you must register in advance by called in 250-837-6669.


Theatre Company seeks crew!

The Revelstoke Theatre Company is seeking crew to help produce their up-coming production of Fuel, by Jerod Blake.  This play is directed by Lyn Kaulback and stars Sarah Harper and Denny Kaulback.

“We are seeking help in the following production team areas:  Producer(s), Stage Manage(s), Set Design, Set Building, Set Decor, Lighting Design and Technical, Sound Design and Technical, Hair and Makeup, Costumes, Front of House, Ushers, Tickets and Ticket Sales, Poster Design, Programs Design,” said an e-mail shotgunned out to theatre company supporters.

“If you are interested in helping in any areas, please reply to this message, or to info@revelstoketheatrecompany.org, indicating what area(s) you are interested in.”

Fuel will be playing in Revelstoke at McGregor’s at Powder Springs Inn on April 25, 26, 27 and May 2, 3, 4. The show is a zone festival entry so it will also be playing in Nakusp on the Mother’s Day weekend May 10, 11, 12 (Fuel will be on Saturday, May11). If the show wins Best Production at the Nakusp festival, it would then be re-mounted for a night or two at the Performing Arts Centre in Revelstoke (dates to be announced) and then carry on to the provincial Mainstage festival. That festival is to be held July 5-13 in Kamloops. It is scheduled to be performed the evening of Monday, July 8. For more information about the provincial Mainstage festival click here.