Hockey Goes On Contest voting was steady on Saturday. Did YOU vote online?

By David F. Rooney

With $100,000 at stake for Revelstoke Minor Hockey, voting was steady at multiple locations around town on Saturday as volunteers worked to get people to vote online for Dennis Berarducci.

Kraft is giving away $1 million in the contest. There are five $100,000 first prizes — one for the top vote-getter in each of five regions. Dennis is one of the people nominated in the Pacific Region. Revelstoke supporters would sure like to win that $100,000. Failing that, they’d like to win one of the $20,000 second prizes. But either people have to get out there and vote for Dennis.

You can do that by going to then click on the Pacific Region and search the page for Dennis’ smiling face. Once you have found that click on the Vote button. A pop-up Captcha panel will ask you to type in two words. One will look quite wonky the other appears familiar normal. The Captcha system is used to screen-out software robots. Fill in the words correctly, press the red Vote button and you’re done.

You can do this as many times as you like as there are no rules against it. So go online and vote and get all your friends and family members — no matter where they are — to vote, too! The more votes votes we get the better our chances of winning big!

Here are a few photos from some of the locations where volunteers were soliciting votes:

Edie Schleiss and her friends share a laugh at Conversations as they voted for Dennis Berarducci during the first day of voting for the Kraft Hoc key Goes On Contest. Dennis is one of 100 finalists who have a chance to win a $100,000 first prize of a $20,000 second prize for their local minor hockey association. David F. Rooney photo
Edie Schleiss and her friends share a laugh at Conversations as they voted for Dennis Berarducci during the first day of voting for the Kraft Hoc key Goes On Contest. Dennis is one of 100 finalists who have a chance to win a $100,000 first prize or a $20,000 second prize for their local minor hockey association. David F. Rooney photo


Cindy Floyd (left), Olivia Pauls and Art Kleinsmith were three of the volunteers who were helping people vote for Dennis at Conversations on Saturday morning. When they weren't answering questions or helping other vote they cast numerous ballots for Dennis. Multiple ballots were not disallowed in the Hockey Goes On Contest. David F. Rooney photo
Cindy Floyd (left), Olivia Pauls and Art Kleinsmith were three of the volunteers who were helping people vote for Dennis at Conversations on Saturday morning. When they weren’t answering questions or helping other vote they cast numerous ballots for Dennis. Multiple ballots were not disallowed in the Hockey Goes On Contest. David F. Rooney photo
Amber Beattie talks with Dennis Berarducci about the Hockey Goes On Contest at Conversations. David F. Rooney photo
Amber Beattie talks with Dennis Berarducci about the Hockey Goes On Contest at Conversations. David F. Rooney photo
Renee Howe (right) talks with a young mum about the Hockey Goes On Contest and how a $100,000 or $20,000 prize could benefit young hockey players in our community. David F. Rooney photo
Renee Howe (right) talks with a young mum about the Hockey Goes On Contest and how a $100,000 or $20,000 prize could benefit young hockey players in our community. David F. Rooney photo
Steve Smith, the Revelstoke Grizzlies volunteer business manager, votes online at the Nomad Cafe on Saturday. David F. Rooney photo
Steve Smith, the Revelstoke Grizzlies volunteer business manager, votes online at the Nomad Cafe on Saturday. David F. Rooney photo
Mark Maaske and Danielle Foisy, aided by young Brooklyn, were willing to help customers at A&W cast their electronic ballots for Dennis on Saturday. Voting for the Hockey Goes On Contest will continue until 9 pm on Sunday, March 24. So if you haven't yet  voted or want to vote again you can do so right up until the online polls close. David F. Rooney photo
Mark Maaske and Danielle Foisy, aided by young Brooklyn, were willing to help customers at A&W cast their electronic ballots for Dennis on Saturday. Voting for the Hockey Goes On Contest will continue until 12:59 pm on Sunday, March 24. So if you haven’t yet voted or want to vote again and again and again  you can do so right up until the online polls close. David F. Rooney photo