Local firefighters who participated in the Stair Climb for Clean Air Firefighter Challenge at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel raised $981 for the BC Lung Association. The participating firefighters from Revelstoke were Mika Sivho, Tyrel Gregg, James Bacon and James Macdonald. Chief Rob Girard said the Revelstoke Fire Rescue Service personnel climbed 48 floors in full firefighter turnout gear while wearing Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). They prepared for this competition by the 6 storeys of the Revelstoke hose tower 8 times for a total of 48 floors in full gear, stopping to rest and then repeating the climb once more. The firefighters trained every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday for the past month. Here’s how they did: Mika Sihvo-8:13 Tyrel Gregg-8:35 James Bacon-10:02 James Macdonald-12:09 In the photo on the left are James MacDonald Tyrel Gregg Mika Sihvo… missing is James Bacon. And here they are again, this time with Chief Rob Girard, on the right. Photo courtesy of the Revelstoke Fire Rescue Service