What’s the most family-friendly business in town?

What does it take to have a family-friendly business or provide a family-friendly workplace?  The Revelstoke Early Childhood Development (ECD) Committee is asking local families what makes a difference for them.

Families are invited to nominate the best-family friendly business as well as the best family-friendly workplace.  Nomination forms can be found on the Revelstoke ECD website: www.revelstokeearlychilddevelopment.com  The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, February 6.

Things a family may consider in selecting a family-friendly business might include the environment, layout and amenities, public washroom with a change table (in Mom’s AND Dad’s washroom), space to rest or breastfeed, play area with books or clean, quiet toys, and access for strollers.

A family-friendly workplace is one where employees feel supported in meeting both their work and family commitments. A family-friendly workplace may have policies that enable workers to balance their responsibilities, may offer flexible schedules, parental leave or resources and support.  A family-friendly employer understands the impact family responsibilities have on their employees.

The Revelstoke Family-Friendly Business award will be announced on BC’s first Family Day, February 11, 2013.  For more information, contact Early Childhood Development Coordinator, Tracy Spannier at 250-805-2305, email revelstokeecd@gmail.com or visit Revelstoke Early Child Development’s website at www.revelstokeearlychilddevelopment.com .