Since 2006, the Conservative government has introduced many important new tax relief measures, including the Family Caregiver Tax Credit. These measures contribute to strong communities and support economic growth in Kootenay Columbia by helping individuals, families and businesses keep more of their hard-earned dollars in their pockets.
Our government recognizes and values the important role of family caregivers. Many Canadians make incredible personal sacrifices to care for a loved one — be it their child, parent, spouse, or other family member with a serious medical condition — often while holding down a job. That’s why we are taking action to help lighten their load.
Since January 1, 2012, the Family Caregiver Tax Credit has been available to help assist Canadians coping with the added responsibilities of caring for infirm parents or relatives. The Family Caregiver Tax Credit provides a 15 per cent non-refundable credit on an amount up to $2,000 to caregivers of dependent relatives. This includes, for the first time, spouses, common-law partners, and minor children.
Our government has also introduced measures to ensure the Medical Expenses Tax Credit better responds to the needs of Canadian caregivers. In order to fully recognize the medical and disability-related costs incurred by family caregivers, the Harper government has removed the $10,000 limit on the amount of eligible expenses a caregiver can claim.
This additional tax relief will help Canadians support a family member in need. That support is invaluable to people requiring care, and I know that caregivers also benefit enormously from helping a family member through difficult days.
The health of families and the strength of our communities, as in Kootenay Columbia, are key elements to Canada’s economic potential and Canadians’ quality of life. We understand that many families can have a difficult time making ends meet, and that’s why we will continue to offer programs that support them.
Our government is committed to keeping taxes low for Canadian families. The average family of four now receives more than $3,000 in extra tax savings, and the federal tax burden for all Canadians is now the lowest it has been in half a century.
I encourage you to visit the Canada Revenue Agency’s Web site for more information about these credits and other tax savings for which you may be eligible. Remember, save your receipts for 2012 because you can start claiming these credits on your income tax and benefit return when you file your taxes in early 2013.
David Wilks is the Conservative Party MP for Kootenay Columbia riding. You can reach him in his Ottawa Office at:
Suite 620 – 151 La Promenade, House of Commons K1A 0A6
613-995-7246 (voice)
613-996-9923 (fax)
You can also reach his constituency office at:
100 – B Cranbrook Street North, Cranbrook, British Columbia V1C 3P9
250-417-2250 (voice)
250-417-2253 (fax)