Christmas Counterattack impaired driving numbers down

There was no shortage of RCMP-staffed roadblocks all across BC during the 2012 Holiday Counterattack Campaign, but police officers found fewer impaired drivers than in previous years.

According to preliminary numbers, throughout areas policed by the RCMP in BC, police laid 961 impaired related charges from December 2, 2012, to January 2, 2013, compared to 1,434 for the same period a year ago.

“There’s been very good media coverage of the new impaired driving legislation and penalties, and I think that’s helped people make better choices,” Cpl. Robert McDonald, said on behalf of RCMP Traffic Services in BC.

He said that even out of uniform, RCMP members were trying to keep roads safe, with a few volunteering for Operation Red Nose on New Year’s Eve by safely driving partiers to their homes.

Police also continued to enforce other problematic driving behaviors during the Counterattack Campaign. More than 1,419 people were ticketed for use of an electronic device while driving, and 213 drivers were caught for excessive speeding (doing 40 kmph or more over the posted limit).

“Our officers continued to enforce seat belt laws as well, handing out 1,364 seat belt tickets during December,” McDonald said in a statement issued Thursday morning. “Parents – please keep your infants and children safe. Children need to be in an approved child restraint seat until they are nine years old or are 4’9” tall.”

For more information please go to Meanwhile, here are the preliminary numbers for the 2012 Holiday Counterattack Campaign:

  • 3-day Immediate Road Prohibition – 272 issued;
  • 7-day Immediate Road Prohibition – 6 issued;
  • 90-day Immediate Road Prohibition – 348 issued;
  • Immediate Road Prohibition Refusal – 47 issued;
  • Criminal Code Impaired Driving charges – 34 issued;
  • New Driver 12-hour suspensions – 54 issued;
  • 24-hour suspensions – 57 issued;
  • Drug related 24-hour Suspensions – 135 issued; and
  • Drug Criminal Code Impaired Driving charges – 8 issued.