BC Hydro is planning an open house for January 24 to provide information and gather community feedback on a number of planned wildlife habitat enhancement projects in the Arrow Lakes Reservoir drawdown zone (flats) south of Revelstoke expected to start in the spring.
The projects are recommended by the Columbia River Water Use Plan and are expected to benefit waterfowl and other species. Planned projects include:
- Infilling two gaps in the abandoned railbed (dykes) at Cartier Bay to protect and enhance existing wetland;
- Rip-rapping along the bank of the airport slough outflow erosion channel adjacent to the old Arrowhead highway just downstream of the mouth of the Illecillewaet River in an effort to halt erosion and protect high value wildlife habitat;
- Installing nest boxes, to be built by high school students, to provide additional nesting habitat for cavity nesting ducks; and
- Test floating an artificial island to provide additional habitat for western painted turtles and other species.
The winners of this year’s Winter Art Walk are:
Best-in-Show ($50 gift. certificate to Pharmasave and $50 gift certificate to Castle Joe Books and Art Supplies) — Coreen Tucker at Beyond Gifts
Runner-Up ($50 gift certificate to Your Office and Art Supply Centre) — Donovan Skelton in the Canadian Avalanche Centre
Honorable Mentions: Meagan Oxford in the Cabin; Stephanie Gauvin in Free Spirit Sports; and Kyle Brossiuk in the Talisman Fibre & Trading Co.
The winners of this winter’s art walk can pick up their prizes anytime after Dec. 27.
Happy New Year everyone!
The Art Walk Committee
On December 29 sometime before 11:30 pm the front window at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was broken by an unknown person.
If anyone has any information as to the person or persons responsible for this crime they are asked to contact the local detachment at 250-837-5255 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.
The Illecillewaet Greenbelt Society will hold its annual general meeting on January 15 starting at 7 pm in the McPherson room at the Community Centre. An agenda will be sent to society members shortly.