Arrow Heights ElementAry School student photographer Julian Corbett took these photos at the school’s Christmas Pageant two weeks ago. Unfortunately, in my haste to take some time off I neglected to upload these onto The Current until today. My apologies to Julian and his fellow student, Griffin Velichko, who wrote the captions. Good work, guys… and thank you!.
Ms. Stribrny’s Grade One class performs their song called Let’s Get The Story Straight in The Story Book Christmas Production at Arrow Heights Elementary School. Photo by Julian Corbett, caption by Griffin VelichkoArianna Marrone and Daisy Harrack play Felicity and Georgeann in the Arrow Heights Elementary School Christmas Production. The Story Book Christmas Production happened on December 20th 2012. Photo by Julian Corbett, caption by Griffin VelichkoSophia Harrack, Mimi Kramer, and Maeve MacLeod play The Three Little Pigs in The Story Book Christmas Production at Arrow Heights Elementary School on December 20th, 2012. The Three Little Pigs were interior decorators in our play. Photo by Julian Corbett, caption by Griffin Velichko