Dear Editor,
Sound familiar? If so, then you know I am talking about Norm Macdonald’s MLA reports. In his regular “reports” his only rhetoric is what he thinks the BC Liberal government is or is not doing and he never talks about what he is doing as far as his work goes within the riding; his most recent attack being on the BC Jobs Plan which is actually working very well.
What then should a responsible MLA report look like? I offer a report on some of my recent accomplishments, work that is ongoing while the current MLA continues to play at politics.
Together with Golden Area Director Gary Habart, I am working on an issue associated with the seasonal occupants of Cosway Island. We have been able to get extensions for the occupants’ tenure on the Island and we continue to work with Minister Steve Thomson toward a longer term solution.
I continue to work with the president and CEO of Edgewater based WoodEx Mill to secure fibre from Canfor and the Akisqnuk Band. I continue to work with the residents of the Community of Meadowbrook, just outside of Kimberley, toward a solution to the Cherry Creek Falls issue. I continue to work with representatives from the Dry Gulch development near Radium on potable water issues. I continue to work with the developer of the Painted Ridge subdivision on a solution to their water issues with the Village of Canal Flats. In each situation, I am working to create a better working relationship for all.
What we have been able to accomplish on behalf of this constituency over this past year is because of bench strength and ability–the strength and ability to bring issues directly in front of f each Minister responsible. I have hosted the Honourable Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to talk about forestry, land management and access issues. I organized a first ever meeting between the Honourable Terry Lake, Minister of Environment and golf course owners and superintendents from across BC to discuss the use of cosmetic pesticides. While in the riding I introduced Minister Lake to our ranching community who discussed the need for predator control with him. I arranged visits from the Honourable Ministers Dr. Moira Stilwell, Bill Bennett and George Abbott to discuss advanced education and building better communities. I am currently arranging visits from Mary Polak, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure to discuss the TransCanada highway with leaders from Revelstoke and Golden, Minister of State for Seniors Ralph Sultan to talk with seniors and Finance Minster Mike de Jong to talk about the financial status of BC. I have also had the distinct pleasure of presenting Premier Christy Clark in this riding three times.
So there you have it; my report and it spoke nothing about politics but rather of accomplishments and work in progress with constituents to solve problems and I am not even the MLA; at least not yet!
Doug Clovechok
BC Liberal Candidate
Columbia River-Revelstoke