The Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre Advisory Committee (Isn’t that a mouthful!) is soliciting suggestions from the public for a new “cutting-edge” name for the Performing Arts Centre.
“As most of you will know the Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre recently opened, we have already had some amazing film, music, dance and mountain culture performances as well as a number of community events and we are looking forward to many more to come,” RPAC Manager Miriam Manley said in an e-mail.
“We would love to have a name to match our aspirations for a cutting-edge, 21st Century venue presenting a wide variety of performing arts events. So I am excited to tell you that the Performing Arts Centre Advisory Committee has decided to solicit suggestions for a snappy new name from the public.”
The name could be inspired by a historical figure, a landscape feature, or an animal or plant that you feel has some relevance to the performing arts or Revelstoke. To submit your ideas, please complete the attached form (attached below as a Microsoft Word document and as a PDF) and e-mail or mail it to:
Email: revelstoketheatre@gmail.com
Canada Post: Attn: Miriam Manley, Theatre Manager, Revelstoke Arts Council – Box 1931, Revelstoke, B.C., V0E 2S0